Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last Kids Knitting for Spring

Tuesday will be the last Kids Knitting Day for Spring 2009 and it's been a successful third round for me. I'm finishing with about 20 kids who have attended more than once or twice, with an average weekly attendance of 14.

Achievements for this spring:

We had crocheting lessons, and at least one girl took to it like a duck to water.
My lone boy learned how to do stranded colorwork.
We had a really successful competition.
The local newspaper featured the group in the paper.
I was interviewed for a local women's magazine in reference to the kids knitting group as well as the Knitting in Public Day.
I've taught several kids how to knit and myriad other tricks of the trade.
I now have a library of circular and double pointed needles I can use for teaching/loan as needed.
I've managed to acquire a swift (winder will be coming), so they'll be able to use the library one rather than mine.
I've book-talked huge piles of books, encouraging them to try new series, new titles, and to trust me to introduce them to new books. A number of them now seek me out regularly in search of something new to read, or willingly accept when I shove a book at them and say "this one made me think of you."

It's not a particularly aggressive program, which is one of the things that works nicely about it. I'm ready for a brief break after five months but am looking forward to a break as a chance to plan new and exciting things for them. This fall I'm scheduling two sessions of an advanced techniques course.

In the interim, I promised snacks next week. I have to figure out what we're having.

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