Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Oh right---It's Winter

Walking out of work this evening I noticed a chill in the air that penetrated a bit through the leather jacket and wool sweater. Not too badly but enough that it made me think perhaps I should have thrown some gloves in the bag when I left for work this morning.

I didn't want to put on a sweater this morning and obviously I'm avoiding anything heavier than a jacket--though I made the grand concession this morning of a scarf.

What is wrong with me? Why won't my brain accept that it's November, officially winter and less than three weeks until Thanksgiving? (Not to mention both siblings and a parent's birthdays and Christmas shopping has to begin soon.) It's acceptable to start wearing my corduroys and my wool sweaters. I'm not cheating and getting them out in late September--even though the weather this weekend kind of felt like still late September, early October.

Also--I live in Wisconsin. People understand layering for warmth here.

*sigh*...it's going to be a long winter.

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