Sunday, July 23, 2006

A vain attempt at catching up with the rest of the world

I'm probably not going to do this as much as others think I should but in an attempt to catch up with the rest of world, here I am, trying yet again to start blogging.

Mostly I blame this on Rachel Singer Gordon--too many times I want to log on and make a comment to her, but I can only do so anonymously.

I came to librarianship for a number of reasons--love of books and information, an English degree and no desire to teach, and many many fond memories of librarians who saw me through everything from early elementary story times to final high school projects. In college I drifted away from those librarians, scared that they would think I was dumb to be asking questions. Even in library school I was afraid to go to the reference desk. I was a library student and should be able to answer my own questions based on what I was learning in class, right? Instead I learned from my peers and own personal wanderings.

So here I am now, a fully degreed librarian, not currently working in a library but still in the information field and I'm looking at relocation.

Chances are good I'll never be more than sporadic--I can't hardly even keep a journal going these days--but this will be an interesting forum...


P.S. Hedgehog? Well, I'm nocturnal, rather prickly sometimes...and I think hedgehogs are cute.

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