Wednesday, January 03, 2007

LibraryThing...I think I love you

(Disclosure: This post actually requires you to open the blog to enjoy all of the giddiness)

Look !!

<--------------------- I managed to wander off with some code from Chris and Tim at LibraryThing (and a few other tweaking users). Now...just what you always wanted--a peek onto the shelves at my apartment. My roommate says we have our own personal library and she's right. Of the five bookshelves in the house, four of them are almost completely stuffed with my books and on the fifth one I have two entire shelves of DVDs. I discovered LibraryThing not that long ago to my excessive joy. What a marvelous way to share books and finally figure out what I own. I've only managed to input a couple shelves of books, leaning on the snack food side of literature. Waiting on clearance from the holiday bills to get my lifetime subscription.

But LibraryThing now lets you put a nifty gadget with your blog (or homepage, etc) where you can have random books (or specific) from your library circulate. So you can see that I own most of Julia Quinn's works, all of the MASH books (16), and --eventually--the Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. Now if I could just get my Clancy books back from Adam so I could find the ISBNs.

Do you LibraryThing?

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