Thursday, June 12, 2008

Feeling Super Special!!!!! (Picture Heavy)

This post is very picture heavy. If you receive the blog via email (*cough Andrew cough*) it will probably behoove you to click through to the site. Not sure if everything will email through.

I got home today to an especially nifty little package waiting at my door!

It had quite the postmark:
(Great Britain if you can't read it...sorry, camera wasn't cooperating)

Totally awesome packing tape

And AMAZING goodies inside!!!

Jennie sent me most excellent treats--including really good chocolate and some totally awesome quilled animals and flowers! She has lots and lots of skill and quite the eye for detail.

There was a sheep (now frolicking in the stash)

Many tiny ducklings

This is the tiniest duckling on my you get an idea of just how small and delicate these are:

Two of the most adorable elephants on the planet (big soft spot for the pink one....he's getting specially displayed...just have to figure out how)

And last...but certainly not least....
Check out this hedgehog!!!!

Jennie---I promise to hit publish post and then go send you an email but thank you so very much. I'm truly touched!

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