Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Knitting is Part of My Job Description, Right?

I just keep finding new ways to sneak knitting into my day and job description. I've added Mom-Knit-Mornings, a child friendly parents knitting group to encourage some of the pre-school moms who have approached me curious about getting an opportunity to knit. It's a small group thus far, which I'm perfectly okay with. We're putting it in the newsletter for the first time for April.

And then there's the annual Knitting in Public day which week. Wow has time flown since January, when I sent a polite and very hopeful little email towards Chicago. Said email was fruitful and last night I sent out the "one week out" email with details and final itinerary.

It's my fan-girl pleasure to welcome Franklin Habit to La Crosse Public Library next week. Franklin, author of a popular knitting blog, minder of a rather troublesome sheep named Dolores and some sock yarn named Harry, photographer, and cartoonist, is coming up to speak to us. Our theme for the day, coined by co-partner with pointy sticks Madame Director, is Keeping You in Stitches: Knitting and Humor. Franklin published a fabulous book of knitting cartoons: I cried from laughing so hard the first time I read it. I'm so excited about next week.

There will be raffles and snacks, we'll be doing a stash swap, a gentleman who learned to knit in Korea is dropping by to talk about his experiences, it's going to be a crazy fun afternoon/evening. I just have decide if I wear the shirt with the knitting ninjas or the shirt that says "Seize the Wool" in Latin.

Last weekend, all in the name of handing out flyers and talking up the event, Our Lady of the Business Office and I went over to the Madison Knitter's Guild Knit In. Seriously, getting Stephanie Pearl-McPhee to sign the rest of her books for me, catching up for a few minutes with last year's Knit in Public Day speaker Joyce Williams, and possibly getting some of world's squishest alpaca yarn had NOTHING to do with it. Just because everyone I've shown the yarn to has tried to sneak off with it.

I hope I've remembered nearly everything we'll need, the clock is ticking. And unfortunately all this knitting doesn't include the really fast approaching deadlines of knitting I have to do before next week.

My life's been taken over by my pointy sticks--that's a good thing.

1 comment:

shellykane said...

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Job Description