Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day! ---And Hedgehog by Email

Happy Leap Day! Can't say there will be anything dreadfully exciting in today's efforts to hop everywhere instead of walk--other than that my legs are going to get tired and it's going to be creative hopping on the ice covered parking lot. What? You're not hopping?

One hop? Just for me?

I have a better excuse than most to hop at work-- toddler story time generally allows one to get away with all kinds of bizarre behavior that adults would normally find unusual. On Wednesdays one finds me hopping, spinning, and always doing a rousing, ever faster round of head and shoulders. Last week was lion story time--- you can imagine how hoarse I was by the time we finished all of the roaring.

Feedburner, which tracks all the pointed out a new option for me--Hedgehog Via Email. If you're just stumbling upon the blog, you now have the option to subscribe either by RSS or email, depending on what's more convenient for you. I promise I won't sell your email address or use it for anything other than following the random pieces of my brain that escape and turn into blog posts.

Welcome to the Blonde, the Brunette, and My-Friend-the-Lawyer, who've all finally succumbed to me chattering about this blog I write.

1 comment:

a real librarian said...

I just hopped for you! =)