Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Fantastic Ability to Waste Time

I'm on deadline. I have database deadlines on Monday and on Wednesday. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that I'm not going to get a whole lot done tomorrow. So how is it that at 11:33 PM I am still sitting here with knitting needles reading back archives of the Yarn Harlot blog?

Because I have an amazingly special ability to waste my own time.

So far today I've managed to fold down two loads of laundry, tidy a couple of drawers, pack half a box of summer clothing, finish Sherrilyn Kenyon's latest (not her best but fair enough), have dinner with Chris and Jen, and now...sit in front of YouTube glutting on Harlot and then realizing--I can read the entire backlog of her blog--starting in 2004 from the day the blog went live.

I've made it through two months and several inches of the extremely basic scarf I'm working on. I have to go database now.

Guilty hedgehog shuffles off towards the waiting databases...

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