Monday, July 28, 2008

Everybody Wants October

I'm going through a number of resources I have on paper and trying to assimilate them into neat Google Documents. Have I mentioned my love for the Google Doc? [Excepting of course when it goes down and everyone is scrambling to figure out what is in there.]

There are mostly mundane documents floating about in my account at present

"Things I Want to Read" (Often the pre-pub reading the reviews list...)
"Things I Have Read" (Not comprehensive but so far this year 100 titles)
"Which of the Cat Who Books do I own?"
"Christmas Card Mailing List" --yes, I have one of those, I'm that type of person.

etc etc.

And then I was working on this one (a standard set of need to know for those working with the public): "Month Themes and Ideas"

Scroll down and review October. It's National XYZQRSETIEOUWERIOP Month. Perhaps this comes as little surprise when you think about school. It's past August or September, when children are heading back and teachers have had a chance to establish routine. It's prior to the holidays. It's around a good time to start reminding people of charitable giving before the year end.

Btw--if you see anything missing from that list, drop me an email or comment and I'll add to it.

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