Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thought Challenge Response

As yet, I have had the good fortune not to have a book challenged specifically to me. Occasionally, if asked, I've discussed more controversial books with parents (why was there so much fuss about the Higher Power of Lucky?). I've also found myself explaining a suggestion to a parent and seeing them shut down on me when they realize the book has a quality they find unacceptable. This I usually don't take personally--there are books that would have deal-breakers for me as well. But generally, I've been pretty fortunate.

Blogger/Librarian Jamie Larue provided the transcription of a challenge response for a new picture book that he expects will be challenged over the coming year. I share the link with you and strongly encourage you to read it--even if you're not a librarian. It's thoughtful, open minded, and practical. And I hope that I am able to be as thoughtful and considerate should the need arise.

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